International Urban Sketchers Week is a global celebration of on-location drawing
Tag @urbansketchers and use hastags #uskweek2024 #urbansketcherslondon #urbansketchers
Sketchers from all around the world are encouraged to showcase their unique environment activities of our community and the many different ways that urban sketching brings people together & changes lives around the world.
Anyone anywhere can take part in International Urban Sketchers Week!
Join us and use the hashtag #uskweek2024 to share your sketching stories globally on social media – let’s show the world what urban sketching means to you!

Urban Sketchers London invite you to sketch your local environment and share your submissions alongside other USk Chapters from all over the world.
If you’re posting sketches from within London (within the M25), please tag @urbansketcherslondon as well as @urbansketchers, and use the hashtags #urbansketcherslondon and #uskweeklondon2024 in addition to #uskweek2024

Some ideas for your participation in International USK Week 2024
- Something unique to your city
- The view out of your window
- Commit to a full 7-day challenge, if you are feeling courageous
- What makes your postcode/borough special
- The traditional tourist/postcard view of your city
- The hidden gems of your city
- Organise a mini sketch meet-up with friends
- Sketch the local park(s), flora and fauna, and people
- Sketch in public transport or while waiting for it to arrive
- Sketch musicians or local live events
- Create sketches from a unique perspective (worms eye / birds eye)
- Sketch at sunrise and sunset on the same day
- Create a visual diary of your day – one sketch at a time
For more information on International USK week, along with 100 Ideas for participating in the celebration – please visit: https://urbansketchers.org/international-urban-sketchers-week/