Let’s Draw London 2025

Welcome to the Urban Sketchers London sketchwalk programme for 2025 

Details for each event are posted nearer the time on the Urban Sketchers London blog and social media accounts (scroll down for links to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter aka X). The program is provisional, as we need to be flexible in case of disruptions such as rail strikes or particularly foul weather.

If you haven’t joined our email list yet, sign up to receive all our latest updates in your email Inbox.

If you would like to help us lead a sketch walk, please contact us via email on [email protected] or social media (links on the home page).

As always, our regular sketch walks are free, and there’s no need to book. Just show up with your drawing kit.

Every sketchwalk has a leader, a meeting point at the beginning, a gathering place in the middle, and another one at the end, when we ‘throw down’ our sketchbooks and pose for a group photo. Sketchwalk leaders know the area and are there to help you feel at ease and give you some ideas about what to sketch. Please note there is no tuition during the sketchwalks. We all draw what we wish, following the Urban Sketchers Vision and Values and sharing our drawings at the end.

Sketchwalks 2025

DateLocationLed by
Sat 18th JanuaryThe National Archives at KewHelen Hayhoe and Catherine Bardrick
Sat 15th FebruaryCannon StreetDean Ashton
22nd-30th MarchUSk London ExhibitionVarious
Sat 20th AprilCanada Water BoardwalkDean Ashton and TBC
Sat 17th MaySt PancrasLena Stogneva and Rick Shands
Sat 21st JunePutney Bridge Catherine Bardrick and Helen Hayhoe
Sat 19th JulyStoke Newington Jimmy Lu and TBC
Sat 16th AugustBayswater John Swanson and TBC
Sat 20th SeptemberSt John’s Wood Diane Umemoto and Helen Hayhoe
Sat 18th OctoberLimehouse BasinClaire Sullivan and Helen Hayhoe
Sat 15th NovemberChelsea Hospital Jimmy Lu and Sasala Wickramasinghe
Sat 13th DecemberCovent Garden Helen Hayhoe and TBC